Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I love my Neuroses!

Last night I couldn't sleep. At all. So, I woke up this morning and it was rather difficult to listen in class.  Language was first and it wasn't that difficult.  We talked about word order in languages.  In greek, you have to listen to the endings, and therefore the cases, to understand the meaning.  In English we have to focus more on word order.  We discussed the reasons that the original creators of the written language would have chosen to word it this way. 

Math all we talked about was angles, which was actually quite interesting.  He asked me for my definition and without using the book, I used the word choice that Euclid did.  I'm not sure if I just remembered it that well or if I am Euclid-smart.  Although later in the conversation he did call me out on something that I thought seemed more complex than it actually was.  Turns out it's REALLY simple.  Oops.

I had lunch with Ethan and Maggy, one of Em's friends.  It was very funny! They're pretty awesome people.  After the upperclassmen left, another freshman sat with us and made fun of me because I never sit on the quad to talk to people.  So, I told him I'd start.  I may also have a lying problem. 

I had lab this afternoon which was really fun! My OCD came out when the teacher asked us to draw a general view of the tree, then a part of the tree to start off our discussion on plants.  I sat outside for over an hour drawing every leaf individually.  It looks very cool, however it is only halfway finished.

I decided to try to take a nap to sleep of the not-sleep that happened last night.  I decided I should be productive instead.  So, I rearranged the mirrors on my wall that have been bugging me for the past 6 days because they were slightly imperfect.  Then, I decided to clean because I "just can't handle the dust" any longer.  Halfway through dusting my bookshelf, I decided that my time would be better spent finishing up a drawing from last night.  Then, I decided that I had better begin Book 13 for Thursday.  So, I came back in my room after dinner two hours later with books scattered across the floor and an unfinished drawing.  Three Cheers for A.D.D!

Anyways, I'm about to go to "waltz" lessons, which is actually swing dance. Maggy is going to be my partner, which could be interesting. I'm excited.  Then, hopefully I'll dust my desk and clean up my colored pencils...perhaps finish my drawing or read another book of the Iliad.  Probably a little bit of everything.

Tomorrow I have Freshman Chorus (yuck!) and then a free afternoon! It will be nice to have these days to read my seminar reading. 

1 comment:

  1. Hurray ManD G. you are talking and doing stuff!
    i'm so proud of you!!!
